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Kirghiz Bible Paperback - IMPERFECT

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** Slightly Imperfect **

THIS IS A PAPERBACK COPY! Green Cover- Kirghiz Arabic Bible

For many centuries, the most important literature in the field of history, science and religion came to the Kirghiz people through the Arabic alphabet.
The Arabic alphabet has a special place in Kirghiz culture, even for modern readers.
The Kirghiz wrote some of the most influential writings of the ancient times using the Arabic alphabet, and over the years of the Kirghiz-Arabic alphabet was supplemented with letters that fully spoke the Kirghiz language. This alphabet still serves the Kirghiz people living in Turkey, Afghanistan and China.
Inscriptions in Arabic especially revered.

Therefore, such writings should be given to the public with such respect. For this reason, we find beautifully embroidered words in the literature that uses Arabic letters. Thus, because of the importance of the text itself and the great role played by the Arabic alphabet in Kirghiz history and culture, a special edition of the Bible written in the Arabic alphabet was created.
This will offer you as a literary treasure.