La Sacra Bibbia
Italian Nuova Diodati (Similar to NKJV)
Medium Print Navy Hardcover
This revision of the Bible in the Italian language is the result of a great desire to offer Christians, and anyone thirsting for truth, a valid and reliable tool for reading and studying the Word of God. This revision should be even more useful for those who are engaged in a ministry. The criteria that guided this review work are: 1) The greatest possible fidelity to the texts, in the original Greek for the New Testament and in the Hebrew for the Old Testament; 2) Clarity and correctness in the Italian language, in which we tried to avoid archaic, difficult, ambiguous and obscure terms. In the appendix, a glossary containing clarifications and explanations of some particular terms, which in the text are marked with an asterisk. Furthermore, to facilitate the control of parallel passages, it was considered to place the various references immediately after the verse. The critical text used is the "Textus receptus", the one substantially followed by Dr. Giovanni Diodati and later, also by the translators of the King James Version, the version of the Bible that has had greater use and diffusion in the Anglo-Saxon world.