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French - Calvary Road Paperback by Roy Hession

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French Calvary Road Paperback

Brand new BLF and CLC co-edition with a preface by George Verwer. Nothing has been as refreshing to my soul in recent years as reading and re-reading The Way to Calvary. I am sure it will continue to touch tens of thousands of lives. - Lynn Green, International Director of Youth on a Mission (JEM)

The powerful message of Christianity still transforms lives. To all those in search, he promises freedom, peace and reconciliation with God, their Creator. Revival begins, as Roy Hession says, in the most intimate corners of our lives. This is where our shattering and repentance will free the life and love of God and lead us on the way to Calvary. A return to freedom, to Jesus Christ who gives life in abundance to all those who seek it. It takes a few hours to read The Way to Calvary, but it can lead to a life full of victory, power and authenticity. - George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilization (OM)