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English - You Mean to Tell Me They're Not Christian??

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You Mean to Tell Me They're Not Christian??

The cults can be an added source of confusion for internationals who have a desire to know more about Christianity.

This book helps to distinguish between false teachings and historical Christianity. It looks at 8 major western cults and compares them with historical Christianity. Instead of just a source of information about these cults, the author gives the reader a method on how to evaluate any religious organization to see if it is truly Christian.

It uses an easy-to-follow format, offers clarity through arithmetic symbols and limits its scope to comparisons of four basic areas:

  • Adding to sources of inspied authority
  • Subtracting from Person & Work of Jesus Christ
  • Multiplying requirements for salvation
  • Division of relationships with Family & Friends.

Written by Bill Perry


Dimensions: 5.3" x 8.5" x 0.2"