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By This Name

By John R. Cross

In today's world, many adopt their own brand of spirituality to make God out to be anything they want. Others consider God to be an impersonal force.

By This Name utilizes a seldom-used but solidly biblical method to set apart the God of the Bible from other forms of spirituality, all the while answering two questions: Who is Jesus? and What are the cross and tomb all about?

It establishes the authority of Scripture and gently compares the biblical worldview with other worldviews in an objective, non-arm-twisting way.

Also available in Mongolian, French, and Thai.

Appropriate for these audiences:  Written for adults and teens.

Eastern worldview: Engages a postmodern, post-Christian, secular mindset.

Also addresses questions arising from polytheism, pantheism, animism, agnosticism and atheism. Assumes readers have little or no knowledge about the Bible.

Designed to give away: Can be passed out like a gospel tract. Readers can learn the Bible's message on their own.

Designed for study: Ideal for home study.


Dimensions: 6.0" x 8.9" x 0.75"