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Croatian - Jesus Our Destiny

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Isus naša sudbina

Jesus Our Destiny (Croatian)

Isus naša sudbina — glavna je tema koju je Wilhelm župnik posvećen radu s mladima u Essenu, a kao strastveni propovjednik evanđelja stalno je bio na putu. Tisuće su dolazile slušati ga. Bio je uvjeren da je Isusovo evanđelje najvažnija poruka svih vremena. Želite li i vi čuti ovu poruku? Sada to možete! U duhu sjednite ispod njegove propovjedaonice i uskoro ćete saznati da je Isus naša sudbina glavna tema svijeta i našeg života.

Jesus Our destiny is the main theme of Wilhelm, the pastor. As a passionate preacher of the gospel, he was constantly on the road. Thousands came to listen to him. He was convinced that the gospel of Jesus was the most important message of all time. Would you like to hear this message too? Now you can! In spirit, sit under his pulpit and you will soon learn that Jesus is our destiny and the main theme of the world and our lives.


Dimensions: 4.4" x 7.1" x 0.4"